There is great power in understanding and much understanding comes from our ability to simply increase our knowledge base. The resources below are specifically selected to help extend a knowledge base and empower through understanding.

couple considerations
relationships are about being
The Meaning of Marriage: Understand the biblical perspective of marriage more clearly
Tim Keller
Whole Hearted Marriage: Process what it means to live marriage whole-heartedly
Gary Smalley and Shawn Stoever
Sacred Marriage: Uncover how marriage can become a way to get closer to God
Gary Thomas​
families are where we learn us
No Drama Discipline: Compassionate road may for dealing with tantrums, tensions, tears
Daniel Siegel
Brainstorm: Clarity around the potential-packed adolescent brain
Daniel Siegel
Winning at Parenting without Beating Your Kids: Practical tools to build the ethical mind in children and strengthen the parent backbone
Barbara Coloroso
Whole Brain Child: Engage the child in a whole manner
Daniel Siegel
Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child: Work to create children who know how to feel
John Gottman
Get Outta My Face: Targeting the anger in the heart of an adolescent
Rick Horne​
Parent Guide to Helping Teens Cope: Assistance to know how to help your teenager
knowing who we are helps
Quiet: Discover the power of being introvert
Susan Cain​
Midset: Go from fixed to growth perspective
Carol Dweck ​
The Road Back to You: Explore the latest personality perspective
Cron and Stablie​
see the light in others & treat them as if that is all you see
The Wounded Healer: Understanding the ways wounds create the potential for healing
Henri Nouwen
After We Believe: What happens after Christians become Christians
NT Wright
Desiring God: Christian hedonism and how to apply it
John Piper​
Pain and Suffering: Reframe pain in suffering from God's perspective
Ti​m Keller
Anxious Christian: Changing the effects of anxiety
Rhett Smith​
sex & sexuality
identity is about more than sexuality
When Two Become One: Ignite the intimate passion God desired for sexuality
Christopher and Rachel McCluskey
The Great Sex Rescue: The lies that may have been learned and how to recover what God intended
Sheila Wray Gregoire
Cheap Sex: Secular tour inside the American mating market
Mark Regnerus
Homosexuality and the Christian: Answers to parents, pastors, and Christians
Mark Yarhouse​
Sexual Identity: Guide to living in the time between times
Mark Yarhouse​
Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Challenge to understand how dysphoria works
Mark Yarhouse​